Marca Studio
Searches for fashion products can more than double thanks to positive reviews

Searches for fashion products can more than double thanks to positive reviews

Positive reviews can have a fundamental impact on making sure traffic flows from search engines to a product or e-commerce store. A recent study of 1,000 different consumers, 7,000 reviews of products and 450,000 searches on Google found that products with a positive review saw searches rise by as much as double those without.

The importance of this research cannot be underestimated by any fashion photography studio, e-commerce store and retail business. So let’s jump into the data and consider the role SEO plays in the fashion world.

How Can the research Help us?

​The research was completed by specialists Remarkable Commerce, in partnership with Trustpilot, giving us confidence when it comes to these results. Taking 25 of the most popular items on the list, the ones with the most top reviews saw average growth in searches of 34% over the past three months.

Where the searches saw an even more significant jump was with items that were linked to trends. This included a dress showing a 234% increase over the past year and sleeveless blazers ended up increasing in searches by 125% over the past three months.

As a fashion photography studio, this tells us that not only is it about the quality of the reviews but also about targeting those trends effectively to take advantage of significant gains. Interestingly, consumers more frequently provide reviews when they like the product so it makes it important to offer strong customer service and follow it up with review requests.

Comments from the experts

One of the leaders at Remarkable Commerce commented on this research, stating that customers have already got a rough idea about the quality of the fashion items before getting to the stage of adding them to a basket. Given the fact that shopping online means you can’t try an item on, reviews help bridge this potential problem and really do help customers feel more confident about the style, fit and quality of an item before they buy it.

Product reviews obviously tell us about the good and bad points but also help less well-known brands win a share of the market and draw customers to them.

Get support from SEO experts

It is clear from this research that reviews should no longer be a bonus or second thought, but they should now be part of the business plan from the very start.

For those working in fashion, whether in a fashion photography studio, e-commerce store or independent retailer it is a good idea to learn about how Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) works and where reviews fall within this topic. Given the power shown by simply getting positive reviews, it can transform a business from struggling to success.

There are plenty of services out there for those that wish to utilise an expert and it can offer fantastic returns on investment. However, for those that wish to save money then you can make a difference yourself by following online guides.

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