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Five Ways For Retail To Maximise The Omnichannel Experience

Five Ways For Retail To Maximise The Omnichannel Experience

Five Ways For Retail To Maximise The Omnichannel Experience

The focus in the fashion and retail world has for a long time been on the development of e-commerce and the shift in focus away from brick-and-mortar retail stores. This attitude went into overdrive during the pandemic but in 2022 we saw a significant slowdown in the growth of e-commerce.

Consumers are now demanding more from brands, not only in the way they interact via digital platforms but also from retail stores. For anyone working in fashion, retail and clothing photography this presents an opportunity to embrace the concept of the omnichannel experience and successfully tap into this new type of consumer.

Offer BORIS and BOPIS services

Buy Online and Return in Store (BORIS) and Buy Online and Pick-up in Store (BOPIS) offerings are central considerations for many consumers, particularly the younger generation. This ability to offer both options means you will get more consumers going into the physical store whilst removing some of the barriers that put them off by speeding up the experience.

Keep sustainability at the heart of your offer

Even for those of us working in clothing photography in London and across the UK, sustainability is something we must all embrace and retail is no different. The omnichannel experience includes showcasing your commitment to sustainability, with reports showing consumers stating it as either important or very important in the decision-making process.

Allow for flexible payment options

A recent survey by BigCommerce found that approximately 25% of retailers felt having flexible payment options benefited their business. This is mirrored by consumer data, with almost 46% of UK consumers stating in 2021 that they preferred using a digital wallet. When combined with buy now, pay later and other schemes it is clear flexible payment options are a winning combination.

Engage with new technologies

It wasn’t long ago that e-commerce was the new, disruptive technology that retailers needed to embrace. But now that has all changed with the advent of the Metaverse, as well as AI and AR.  These futuristic technologies are now here and already being implemented by fashion and retail brands. Including these features and engaging with these technologies is vital for those brands wishing to stay ahead of the competition.

Embrace social shopping

Social media has been used for marketing for many years now, with some brands also embracing it as another sales platform. Now though, with the process efficient and effective it is commonplace for retailers and fashion brands to include social shopping as part of their omnichannel experience and most are prioritising this as a key feature of their strategy moving forward.


The omnichannel experience is not only here, it is established and a fundamental part of all retail and fashion brands’ strategies. Those that do not embrace and take advantage of this concept, will find themselves losing out to competitors. For those businesses that take on this challenge and invest, there is genuine hope that these new ideas can transform their business in the short and long term.

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